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In 2050, a team of scientists discovers a mysterious machine resembling a telephone booth, next to the corpse of a Time Lord. After years of research, they manage to activate it, unveiling a unique space-time vehicle. Their goal: travel back to 1939 to prevent Hitler's invasion of Poland and rewrite history.

But a catastrophic bug, caused by outdated software, derails their time travel. Instead of landing in World War II, the troops are hurled into the prehistoric era, where they face a horde of terrifying tyrannosaurs. Forget the Nazis—survival now depends on facing Earth's most fearsome predators!

Are you ready to confront the impossible?

SGM not required

Available in October

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What is Jurassic Fight?

Jurassic Fight is an action game that pays homage to titles such as Battle Through Time or  Moon Patrol. In the game, you control a motorized vehicle set in the age of dinosaurs. The goal is to advance continuously to the right of the screen, eliminating pterodactyls pelting you from the skies and tyrannosaurs charging at you, ready to devour you.

Depending on the difficulty levels, ranging from 1 to 4, you will face varying numbers of T-Rexes and have to avoid ground obstacles.

Jurassic Fight ColecoVision screenshots

The Edition

Unlike our most recent ColecoVision games, Jurassic Fight is packaged in the traditional drawer-style box, complete with foam inserts to hold the contents securely.

The game's author, Jean-Philippe Méola, wanted to maintain consistency for his games, as previous titles were also released in this format.

The box dimensions are the same as those for our other ColecoVision games, ensuring that your Côté Gamers collection can be stored uniformly.

Jurassic Fight ColecoVision box front

The game comes with a bilingual French-English manual

Jurassic Fight ColecoVision instruction manual cover

This version includes a standard sticker for the cartridge.

Jurassic Fight ColecoVision sticker label

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