Club ColecoVision



Join our ColecoVision club for 1 year and get :

-1 free boxed game with instructions.
-4 magazines of 44 pages, 100% in color
-16 encyclopedic sheets on ColecoVision
-4 3D prints to create a diorama of the ColecoVision universe
-A membership card
-The right to participate in our games and contests to win gifts
-Multiple advantages (discounts on games, extra collector boxes, bonus cards, etc.)

NOTE: The subscription price includes 4 shipments per year with tracking numbers

NOTE 2: Please read the faqs at the end of the presentation if you have any questions, or contact us by email, on Facebook, or on Atari Age.

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Detailed presentation

The Magazine

This magazine is 100% full color, on high-quality paper, just like the paper of the instructions booklet offer with our games.

The content will be divided between feature articles, game aids, tests, contests, interviews, etc.

The contests in the magazine and on our social networks will be reserved for our subscribers. These contests will allow you to win special stickers for games, overlays, posters, games, etc.

The members of Côté Gamers have already proven themselves with many books and magazines recognized for their quality in France. So they naturally take over the service for this magazine. We also welcome outside personalities such as Youki, author of Muncher Mouse, Knight'n More, etc, Grostonton, graphic designer on Muncher Mouse, and Michael Thomasson from Good Deal Games, who no longer need to be introduced. Of course, we will welcome new participants later on.

Club ColecoVision Magazine Issue 1 sample 1

Club ColecoVision Magazine Issue 1 sample 2

The Game

We are keeping this game secret for the moment to keep the suspense a bit, but it will be published exclusively for the club (in limited edition, therefore) and in a big box, like our other games, with a notice.

The Membership Card

The card is nominative and numbered, in PVC. Each month a draw will allow you to win gifts and points thanks to your number. The points will be used to win other gifts.

 Club ColecoVision, member's card

The 3D Model

This model is the first of a collection that will constitute a diorama related to the ColecoVision universe.
This is a raw version, but volumes 2 to 4 of the magazines will be accompanied by stickers to decorate the model and other elements as planned below:

Magazine n°2 -> two controllers and a mini-cartridge to insert in the central unit + stickers for your console and cart!
Magazine n°3 -> Atari 2600 module
Magazine n°4 -> box and inserts for the Atari 2600 module!

Mini colecoVision model 3D print

The encyclopedic Cards

These cards are 10 X15cm (3.93 X 5.90 inches). They are part of our collection of general encyclopedia cards. There are already several ColecoVision cards, offered with some of our games.

These cards present the games of the console with additional informations.

Club ColecoVision, encyclopedic cards


Q: When was the club officially launched?

A: in September 2021. This is officially year 1.

Q: I have already missed several issues of the magazine. If I sign up now, will I receive the previous issues?

A: The subscription is valid for 1 year. If you sign up during the year you will receive everything that has already been offered up to the current date. For example, if it is April 2022, you will receive everything that subscribers have received since September 2021, until April 2022. You will then receive new releases as they become available, until the end of the current subscription.

To keep it simple, know that you should primarily receive the following:

-1 free boxed game with instructions.
-4 magazines of 44 pages, 100% in color
-16 encyclopedic sheets on ColecoVision
-4 3D prints to create a diorama of the ColecoVision universe
-A membership card
-The right to participate in our games and contests to win gifts.

In addition, there are bonuses with other games, extra gifts, etc.

The current year ends when you have received all these elements.

If you register for year 2 you will not receive the elements of year 1.

Q: Can I get my money back if I don't like the game (or the magazine or anything else)?

A: No. We have significant costs to produce all this. Before you sign up, follow our community on Facebook: Link
Also follow the topic about our club on Atari Age: Link
And ask our members questions about the overall quality of our club. When you have enough information, join (or not ^^).

Q: How can I find out about contests and games and participate?

A: We have a Facebook group dedicated to the club: Link
We also post important news about Atari Age: Link
When you register we will contact you to ask if you would like to receive our club newsletter. If you agree we will send it to you regularly with current games and contests and other information inside.

Q: Is the magazine in english?

A: YES! We produce a very small amount of magazine in French. These versions are reserved for the French-speaking public. Outside of France, Quebec (on request), Belgium and Switzerland, you will receive an English version.

Q: Can I join the magazine's editorial team?

A: Of course! But please note that it will be on a volunteer basis, we do not make any profit with this club. So we can't pay extra people to participate. But according to your participation, we can offer you various things (games, small gifts, etc). You will also be credited in the magazine.

Also note that you can submit your texts, but that we will not necessarily use them. We will check the quality of the whole, the accuracy too. If you make an article (or a solution or anything else) you have to provide us with visual material (screenshots, photos, etc).

CONTACT US to know more about the visual material ;)